Ada 3.2.1
Fast spec-compliant URL parser
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 ada_version.hDefinitions for Ada's version number
 character_sets-inl.hDefinitions of the character sets used by unicode functions
 character_sets.hDeclaration of the character sets used by unicode functions
 checkers-inl.hDefinitions for URL specific checkers used within Ada
 checkers.hDeclarations for URL specific checkers used within Ada
 common_defs.hCommon definitions for cross-platform compiler support
 encoding_type.hDefinition for supported encoding types
 errors.hDefinitions for the errors
 helpers.hDefinitions for helper functions used within Ada
 implementation.hDefinitions for user facing functions for parsing URL and it's components
 parser.hDefinitions for the parser
 scheme-inl.hDefinitions for the URL scheme
 scheme.hDeclarations for the URL scheme
 serializers.hDefinitions for the URL serializers
 state.hDefinitions for the states of the URL state machine
 unicode-inl.hDefinitions for unicode operations
 unicode.hDefinitions for all unicode specific functions
 url-inl.hDefinitions for the URL
 url.hDeclaration for the URL
 url_aggregator-inl.hInline functions for url aggregator
 url_aggregator.hDeclaration for the basic URL definitions
 url_base-inl.hInline functions for url base
 url_base.hDeclaration for the basic URL definitions
 url_components.hDeclaration for the URL Components
 url_pattern-inl.hDeclaration for the URLPattern inline functions
 url_pattern.hDeclaration for the URLPattern implementation
 url_pattern_helpers-inl.hDeclaration for the URLPattern helpers
 url_pattern_helpers.hDeclaration for the URLPattern helpers
 url_pattern_init.hDeclaration for the url_pattern_init implementation
 url_search_params-inl.hInline declarations for the URL Search Params
 url_search_params.hDeclaration for the URL Search Params
 ada.hIncludes all definitions for Ada
 ada_c.hIncludes the C definitions for Ada. This is a C file, not C++